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School Outreach:

 Involvement of Alpha in schools have led to the opening of communication channels. Through this way schools are able to refer problematic cases to alpha centre for intervention.


  • Pre-Primary Schools: These children are reached through programmes with puppets aimed to teach children about good touching and bad touching and some other  topics covered with very young children.


  • Primary Schools: The Crime Stop Programme is aimed at primary school children and focuses on educating children on crime, rape, abuse and sexual abuse. A coloring book is used for grades 2 to 4. Grades 5 to 7 are too big for the coloring books and do the same Youth Empowerment Programme which is used for the secondary schools.  Children who suffer problems at home are invited to talk about their problems to our social workers.  


  • Secondary Schools: The YEP – Youth Empowerment Programme is offered to learners at secondary schools. This programme is aimed to equip youth with life skills to cope in everyday situations.


Community Programmes:


The purpose of this outreach to the community is to assist the community to be uplifted by empowering members through skills and training, to take responsibility for their own community.


These outreaches are often conducted door-to-door.



This programme offers counseling to pregnant girls and women in crisis. 

The need for outreach to the elderly in homes and in the community was identified.


Programmes are targeted to address the safety, Security and general functioning of the elderly.


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